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The Lavender Voice
Explore adventures and my photography as I rebuild my life after years in a toxic relationship. After being with someone for over twenty years, the abuse, name-calling had affected my anxiety. When I left, I was diagnosed with PTSD, depression and Generalized Anxity. As an entered therapy to try and come back to stability, I sought ways to refocus my thoughts, while trying to build a better life. Photography and writing became my go-tos. Slowly, I began merging the two: writing a story a picture told me. My new found freedom also allowed me to take trips and discover new places I’ve never been to. Each new place not only provided a new experience, but gave me strength and self-confidence to move forward in this new path.

My Story
I grew-up in Canada, where I had a good life. I had the job of my dreams, got married and had a child. The. Covid hits and like most people, my life changed drastically. My relationships became toxic and the mental abuse was overwhelming. With the help of Law Enforcement, I was able to get out. I have spent the last couple of years in therapy, rebuilding my life.
Part of the process was discovering the love of photography. I love to capture glimpse of life and nature. Sometimes, I imagine stories and write them based on the picture. It is my way of healing and moving forward which I want to share with you.
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