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The Lavender Voice
Explore adventures and my photography as I rebuild my life after years in a toxic relationship. After being with someone for over twenty years, the abuse, name-calling had affected my anxiety. When I left, I was diagnosed with PTSD, depression and Generalized Anxity. As an entered therapy to try and come back to stability, I sought ways to refocus my thoughts, while trying to build a better life. Photography and writing became my go-tos. Slowly, I began merging the two: writing a story a picture told me. My new found freedom also allowed me to take trips and discover new places I’ve never been to. Each new place not only provided a new experience, but gave me strength and self-confidence to move forward in this new path.

Lavender represents calmness.
Calmness is what one seeks after a tumultuous relationship has left them broken. The path of healing is a long one, not understood by many.
Healing is accomplished in many ways. For me, it is true adventures and photography, seeing new places and creating stories from my nature’s photographic beauty.
This will hopefully become a forum to exchange stories.
A glimpse of the Lavendar Voice

The power of a picture.
The Lavender Voice is finding meaning and creating stories behind pictures.
Imagine a story based on a photograph
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